Invited Lectures Delivered
“Drugs, Clinical candidates and NPs-inspired design and strategic organic synthesis: Discovery of target-specific anticancer agents” in the "Professor Ram Chand Paul National Symposium" (RCPNS-2025) with a theme on "SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN CHEMICAL SCIENCES: INNOVATIONS and START-UPS" during February 21-22, 2025.
““Nature and Nurturing”: A medicinal chemistry strategy to create new therapeutics” in the Industry Academia Meet 2025 (IAM-2025) held by Swami Vivekananda University, West Bengal, during January 16 - 17, 2025.
“Targeted C–H activation in creation and acceleration: Nature to new molecular therapeutics” in the conference 7th “International Symposium on C−H Activation (ISCHA 2024)”, at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India during December 6-9, 2024
“How to nurture natural products to create new therapeutics?” in the conference "Translational Trends in Natural and Health Sciences (TTNHS-2024)" at Central University of Punjab, Bathinda during December 4thto 6th December 2024.
“Nature to New Molecular Therapeutics: A "Nature and Nurturing" strategy and Medicinal Chemistry Investigations" in the conference "Recent advances in Chemical Science" (RACS-2024 organized by Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology (IIEST), Shibpur, 7-9 November 2024.
"Nature and Nurturing" and strategic organic synthesis: A promising path to new anticancer chemotypes" in the symposium "frontier in organic chemistry- VI" held by Biocon Bristol Myers Squibb Research & Development Centre (BBRC) on 24th September 2024.
“Nature to New Molecular Therapeutics: Medicinal Chemistry Strategies and Investigations” in the CRIKC (Chandigarh Region Innovation and Knowledge Cluster) National Symposium on Recent Advances in Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry (RABMC-2024) held in Panjab University, Chandigarh on 20th April 2024.
“Natural product-inspired scaffold hopping and strategic synthesis: Discovery of target-specific anticancer agents” – CRSI Bronze Medal Lecture in the 29th CRSI National Symposium in Chemistry (CRSI-NSC-29)-CRSI-ACS Symposium Series in Chemistry held in IISER, Mohali on July 07-09, 2022.
“Natural product-inspired scaffold hopping and strategic synthesis: Identification of unique analogs with anticancer profiles” in the Conference on Frontiers in Chemistry (CFC-2021) organized by Reva University, Bengaluru, 22nd October, 2021.
“Sustainable development with strategic green chemical process and products: Energy efficiency, renewable chemicals and abundant C–H bond direct functionalization” in the International Conference on Green Science and Technology 2021 (ICGST2021), RIGST, Shizuoka University, Japan, 22nd September, 2021.
“Natural product-inspired scaffold hopping and strategic synthesis: A promising path to potent in-vivo active chemotypes” in the International Conference on Chemistry for Human Development (ICCHD-2020) organized by “Professor Asima Chatterjee Foundation, Kolkata” in collaboration with University of Calcutta and Heritage Institute of Technology in Kolkata on 9-11 January, 2020.
“Creating new by natural product-inspired synthetic organic medicinal chemistry” in the CRIKC chemistry symposium (CCS-2019) organized together by Chandigarh-based five research organizations in IISER, Mohali, 2nd-3rd November, 2019.
“Unique chemistry-based molecular diversity-feasible synthesis integrated with Natural Product inspired and Scaffold hopping strategies: Discovery of target-based anticancer agents” in the national conference on Recent Advances in Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry (RAOBC), IISER Mohali, 22-24 March, 2019.
“Target-based natural product-inspired scaffold hopping strategy: SAR-feasible synthesis and discovery of Flavone and Combretastatin analogs with anticancer profiles” delivered as an invited talk in Aurigene Discovery Technologies Ltd, Hyderabad on 1st February, 2019.
“Natural product-inspired target-based drug discovery: Identification of unique analogs with anticancer profiles” delivered in the international conference, Drug Discovery India-2019, Breakthrough Research in Medicinal Chemistry, organized by Select Biosciences in Mumbai, 17-18th January, 2019.
“Integration of Natural Product Inspired/Scaffold-Hopping Approach and SAR-Feasible Synthesis: Discovery of Target-based Anticancer Agents” delivered a seminar lecture in NCL, Pune on 20th April, 2018.
“Natural Product Scaffold-Hopping and C-H Functionalization/Synthon-based Synthesis of N-Heterocycles: Discovery of Target-based Anticancer Agents” in the national conference on "Symposium on Contemporary Facets in Organic Synthesis 2017 (CFOS-17)" held at IIT Roorkee on 22nd-24th December, 2017.
“Starting from Drug and Trekking the Topoisomerase and Tubulin-Tour: Discovery of Novel Anticancer Agents” in the national conference on “new frontiers in chemistry – from fundamentals to applications-II” held at BITS – Pilani, Goa Campus, on January 28-29, 2017.
“Sustainable Organic–Medicinal Chemistry: Discovery of Topoisomerase II-Targeting Anticancer Agents” in the national conference on “Organic Chemistry in Sustainable Development: Recent Advances and Future Challenges (OCSD-2016)” held at BITS-Pilani, Rajasthan, on August 29-30, 2016.
“Starting from Drug and Scaffold Hopping in Target-based Medicinal Chemistry Research: Discovery of Novel Topoisomerase IIα–Inhibiting Anticancer Agents”, Professor D. Nasipuri Memorial Award Lecture 2014 in the 52nd Annual Convention of Chemists of the Indian Chemical Society held at JECRC University, Jaipur, on December 28 – 30, 2015.
“Trekking the Topoisomerase-Tour in Medicinal Chemistry Research: Discovery of Novel Topoisomerase IIα–Catalytic Inhibiting Anticancer Agents” in the International Conference in Chemistry held on December 16-18, 2014, organized by Jadavpur University, Kolkata.
“A rational approach in medicinal chemistry research: Discovery of novel topoisomerase IIα–targeting anticancer agents” in the 50th “Annual Convention of Chemists-2013” organized by Indian Chemical Society, held at the Department of Chemistry & Centre of Advanced Studies in Chemistry, Punjab University, Chandigarh-160 014, on December 04-07, 2013.
“Discovery of Topoisomerase IIα–targeting Novel Anticancer Agents” in the “MEDCHEM 2013” conference on “Advances in Anticancer Drug Discovery and Development”, organized by Indian Institute of Technology, Madras and AstraZeneca Bangalore, October 25-26, 2013.
“Green Chemistry in Medicinal Chemistry Research: Development of Novel Anticancer Agents”, Symposium on Green Chemistry and Nanotechnology, Agartala, 2012.